Quotes from Timothy Lane
At some point, every relationship brings you to the end of yourself, and with God there is no healthier place to be. When I am willing to confess how weak I am, I am most ready to reach out for the grace that can only be found in Christ. He was willing to follow his Father's plan and become weak so that, in our moments of weakness, we could receive his strength.
- Timothy Lane
Or do you move into conflict with a God-centered perspective?
- Timothy Lane
Along with that, the Bible continually reminds us that God sends the uncomfortable grace of trial not to crush or discourage us, but to mature and refine us. As we are realistic about difficulty, that needs to be our hope.
- Timothy Lane
frustrated relationship
- Timothy Lane
This is the ground on which we build all relationships. Every time you are tempted to shun another believer, remember that the Father, Son, and Spirit were torn asunder so that you might be united.
- Timothy Lane
We have been chosen from the mass of humanity to live in an intimate union with Christ. It is amazing even to be tolerated by God. It would be an honor simply to be invited to the wedding! It is beyond comprehension to be the beloved bride of the King of kings and Lord of lords! When you understand this, you can't help but live life aware of the honor, privilege, and blessing that are yours.
- Timothy Lane
Without a biblical model to explain the place relationships should have in your life, you will likely experience imbalance, confusion, conflicting desires, and general frustration.
- Timothy Lane
Paul and Silas sang hymns in the Philippian jail. You can only do that if you have remembered that your welfare and freedom are in the hands of an all-powerful God who is your Father. Much of the drama of God's people is a drama of identity.
- Timothy Lane
Our personal transformation must be worked out within the family of God. The gospel is not only more clearly perceived and experienced within community; it is the basis for the community!
- Timothy Lane
When I see my identity in Christ, God's presence and provision, and what he is doing in the process, I am willing and able to do things I wouldn't do otherwise.
- Timothy Lane
What you are about to read is a book on relationship that was written in relationship.
- Timothy Lane
Who is God using in your life this way?
- Timothy Lane