Quotes from Timothy Lane
This chapter invites you to consider the life-changing help you can find in the person and promises of the Lord Jesus Christ for your struggle with words.
- Timothy Lane
Maintain the unity of the Spirit
- Timothy Lane
The NIV reinforces this view by translating the last phrase to read "the kingdom of God is within you." But Jesus is saying, "The kingdom is in your midst," pointing to an internal and external reality.
- Timothy Lane
If I gossip or engage in ungodly conflict, I harm the gift God has given. But if I am willing to pursue, forgive, and serve, I demonstrate care for these gifts.
- Timothy Lane
Jesus is telling the Pharisees that the kingdom is right there for them to see, but they do not see it. He is saying that because the King is here, there are visible signs of his rule. What
- Timothy Lane
Make every effort
- Timothy Lane
Jesus is pointing to an internal reality of grace that expresses itself in observable changes in individuals and their relationships.
- Timothy Lane
In other words, you can't take the gospel seriously and not take your relationships seriously.
- Timothy Lane
Be humble, gentle, patient, and forbearing in love
- Timothy Lane
It begins in the hearts of people and has ripple effects that spread to the farthest reaches of sin.
- Timothy Lane
Yet we are most true to our identity and calling when we live in the midst of broken people.
- Timothy Lane
Humility enables us to see our own sin before we focus on the sin and weaknesses of another.
- Timothy Lane