Quotes from Timothy Lane
Our background, relationships, situation, and physical condition only provide the opportunity for our thoughts, words, and actions to reveal whatever is already in our hearts. Our hearts are always the ultimate cause of our responses, and where the true spiritual battle is fought.
- Timothy Lane
Every day your words give your relationships their tone. Every day you tell people what you think of them, what you want from them, and what you would like to enjoy with them.
- Timothy Lane
To the degree that you forget you are a sinner, you will underestimate your daily need for Christ and the relationships in his body that are his tools of change.
- Timothy Lane
It is easy to forget the impact our words have on every relationship. There
- Timothy Lane
The power of self-interest is still present in the believer
- Timothy Lane
In this chapter we invite you to listen to your words and evaluate the way they shape your relationships.
- Timothy Lane
God has a bigger agenda for our relationships than we do
- Timothy Lane
Our template or road map is Ephesians 4. As you read it, ask yourself what it says about (1) the struggle of self-interest and (2) God's agenda for our relationships. This passage will be the grid you can use to look at the issues of relationship we address in this book.
- Timothy Lane
I was good at helping other people see and own their sin. But I was not willing to believe that my need was just as desperate. Maybe I was blinded by my theological knowledge or my pastoral skill. But
- Timothy Lane
Our culture abounds with hollow and deceptive theories of change that masquerade as biblical wisdom, often because they borrow some aspect of biblical truth. Yet they are hollow because they miss the center of biblical wisdom, which is Christ.
- Timothy Lane
We love us and we have a wonderful plan for our lives! We have a dream. The problem is that it is not the Lord's.
- Timothy Lane
More than that, we invite you to look at your words through the lens of Scripture.
- Timothy Lane