Quotes from Timothy Lane
Notice how much Israel's response to hardship maps onto ours. We face hard things and we complain about things as mundane as a menu. Before long, our complaining becomes an assessment of blame. Then the blaming goes vertical as it questions God's wisdom and goodness. We, too, are in the wilderness of a fallen world. We have not yet entered the Promised Land of eternity, so we face hardships like Israel did.
- Timothy Lane
Often in our blindness, we take on our problems as identities. While divorce, depression, and single parenthood are significant human experiences, they are not identities. Our work is not our identity, though it is an important part of how God intends us to live. For too many of us, our sense of identity is more rooted in our performance than it is in God's grace.
- Timothy Lane
To love you as I should, I must worship God as Savior
- Timothy Lane
If you are a believer, you are in the process of being remade to reflect the character of Jesus himself. And your Lord is employing every circumstance and relationship in your life to accomplish that goal.
- Timothy Lane
sin sneaks up on us over time.
- Timothy Lane
In short, we are called to help each other see the unseen reality of our active, present, and personal God.
- Timothy Lane
Your everyday communication influences the shape, quality, and direction of your relationships.
- Timothy Lane
God's work is driven by an agenda so much grander than simply making our lives better. He wants to remake us into his likeness. And that likeness can be seen in Jesus.
- Timothy Lane
People need to see that the gospel belongs in their workplace, their kitchen, their school, their bedroom, their backyard, and their van. They need to see the way the gospel makes a connection between what they are doing and what God is doing.
- Timothy Lane
Brian and Kara look a lot like us. Like them, we forget that it is in the little moments that spiritual battles are lost and won.
- Timothy Lane
Language is not a human invention to be used in whatever way serves our interests. If God is the first speaker, then language is his creation. This means that our ability to speak was given to us by the Creator and it exists for his glory.
- Timothy Lane
Words separate you from the rest of creation, making you more like God than like animals. The gift of words calls us to live and speak in a God-focused manner. One of our greatest mistakes in communication is to take words as our own to use as we please.
- Timothy Lane