Quotes from Charles Martin
If God can make a firefly's butt light up like a star, then anything is possible. Anything
- Charles Martin
That we were made to want and give love. That no matter how dark the night, midnight will pass. No darkness, no matter how dark, can hold back the second hand. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, whether you hope it or not, whether you build a wall around your soul and cut out your eyes, wait a few hours and the sun will crack the skyline and the darkness will roll back like a scroll.
- Charles Martin
Love is an amazing thing. It takes the brokenness, the scars, the pain, the darkness, everything, and makes it all new.
- Charles Martin
But love is a difficult thing to kill. Actually, it's the only thing in this universe or any other that you can't kill. No weapon that has ever been made can put a dent in it. You might punch it, stab it, whip it, and hang it out to dry—you can even drive a spear through it, pierce its very heart. But all you're going to get is blood and water, because love gives birth to love.
- Charles Martin
We stood in silence, and yet I heard a familiar voice saying, Listen here, child, that's God's little girl, baggage and all, so don't go judging the cover. He doesn't care what she looks like. He'll take her and us any way he can get us. Just like the woman at the well. Best you switch lenses and start seeing her that way too.
- Charles Martin
if anything in this universe reflects the fingerprint of God, it is the human heart.
- Charles Martin
Child, you listen to me, and you look me straight in the eyes when I'm talking to you. I may be just old hired help, and a country woman to boot, but I'm a human. And you know what? God thought of me. He actually took the time to dream me up. I may not be much to look at, but what you see first started in the mind of God, so don't stand there and ignore me like I don't exist. You remember that." Miss
- Charles Martin
When it comes to the truth, people have a right to know it. Always. No matter how much you think it might hurt, the truth is the only thing that both cuts us free and holds us tight.
- Charles Martin
Music is a gift. We make it to give it away.
- Charles Martin
I stood and pulled her up on two feet. "That depends." "On what?" "Whether you're looking at this through my eyes or yours.
- Charles Martin
Hate is a powerful weapon. But it is powerless when it comes to cutting chains off the human heart.
- Charles Martin
The only true language in the world is a kiss... When the pleasure is simple and complete... in the offering.
- Charles Martin