Quotes from Charles Martin
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a host of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus.
- Charles Martin
Rightly or wrongly, I want you to spend your life making music where the angels sing along. Being a reflection. I think that'd be a life well spent. I failed to say that before now, and for that I'm sorry. If I may offer one excuse - I've never raised a son before. Please allow a few mistakes. I'm figuring this out as we go.
- Charles Martin
No gone is too far gone.
- Charles Martin
When you boil it down," he said, holding out his hand and counting with his fingers, "all we got left, all anybody's got, is faith . . . and hope . . . and love." He looked at his three fingers. "And we all gonna make it. All three of us.
- Charles Martin
Sometimes we have to sing through the scars. Sometimes a song is the only thing that heals the broken places in us. Only thing that breaks the chains on the heart.
- Charles Martin
Forgiveness offered—especially when so undeserved—cuts chains off the human heart that no other power in any universe anywhere can rattle much less break.
- Charles Martin
And just as we desperately need it from Jesus, there are people who, whether they know it or not, need that gift from us.
- Charles Martin
Truth is, our hardship does not determine His character or His love for us, and it doesn't make Him any less King or any less capable or any less good or any less in love with us. The choice is ours.
- Charles Martin
It is a flower that sprouts and grows when others pour water upon it. I think sometimes that I spent so much time worrying about how to protect and strengthen the flower—even going so far as to graft in a new stem and root system—that I forgot to simply water it.
- Charles Martin
The Father has yet to leave His post. His eyes still scan the horizon. And no darkness, no matter how dark, can hide the prodigal. Job said it this way: 'For He [the Father] looks to the ends of the earth, and sees under the whole heavens.
- Charles Martin
The Father is about total restoration. A complete returning to son-ship. An heir with all rights and privileges thereof. Maybe you're the prodigal. Surrounded by pigs and staring at the pods. Let me say this to you--I don't care what you've done, where you've gone, where you are, or who you've become, the truth is this: the sanctifying, redeeming, justifying, snatching-back-out-of-the-hand-of-the-devil blood of Jesus reaches to the far ends of the earth.
- Charles Martin
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
- Charles Martin