Quotes from Charles Martin
Never judge someone by their relatives.
- Charles Martin
Reese, your books might not tell you this, so I will. Every heart has two parts, the part that pumps and the part that loves. If you're going to spend your life fixing broken hearts, then learn about both. You can't just fix one with no concern for the other.
- Charles Martin
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but if you want to hurt someone...way down deep, use words.
- Charles Martin
Love has its own communication. It's the language of the heart, while it has never been transcribed, has no alphabet, and can't be heard or spoken by voice, it is used by every human on the planet. It is written on our souls, scripted by the finger of God, and we can hear, understand, and speak it with perfection long before we open our eyes for the first time.
- Charles Martin
He picked up one of Lorna's roses and set it in my lap. Here. I picked it up and smelled it. He poked me in the shoulder. See what I mean? Thorns don't stop you from sniffing. Or putting them in a vase on the kitchen table. You work around them.... Cause the rose is worth it... Think what you'd miss.
- Charles Martin
Forgiveness is a tough thing. Both in the offering…and the accepting.
- Charles Martin
You take the bad with the good, Rise up through it. Live in the mist of it. It's the bad that lets you know ho good the good really is. Don't let the bad leave you thinking like there ain't any good. There is, and lots of it, too.
- Charles Martin
We're all fallen people in a fallen world. Where does a man find healing amid so many broken places? How does he find love in the ruins and vine-wrapped shattered pieces of his own soul? Because love's springing up through the rocks.
- Charles Martin
Loving somebody gets better the more you do it.
- Charles Martin
I think when two people really love each other...way down deep...like where the souls sleep and dreams happen, where pain can't live 'cause there's nothing for it to feed on...then a wedding is a bleeding together of those two souls. Like two rivers running together. All that water becoming the same water. Mine did that.
- Charles Martin
Forgive your enemies...it messes with their heads.
- Charles Martin
You can put your boots in the oven, but that doesn't make them biscuits. - You can say whatever you want about something, but that doesn't change what it is.
- Charles Martin