Quotes from Charles Swindoll
Rejoicing is clearly a spiritual command. To ignore it, I need to remind you, is disobedience.
- Charles Swindoll
You will find a common dichotomy in life. Those who don't have vision or determination, and refuse to dream the impossible, are always in the majority.
- Charles Swindoll
Let your life yield a sweet, winsome melody that this old world needs so desperately. Yes you can if you will.
- Charles Swindoll
Don't seek more days in your life but more life in your days.
- Charles Swindoll
Not every Christian finds it easy to believe.
- Charles Swindoll
The happiest people I know are the ones who have learned how to hold everything loosely and have given the worrisome, stress-filled, fearful details of their lives into God's keeping.
- Charles Swindoll
People who soar, are those who refuse to sit back and wish things would change
- Charles Swindoll
Leadership is influence. To the extent we influence others, we lead them.
- Charles Swindoll
Anyone who influences others is a leader.
- Charles Swindoll
No pressure is greater than God's power.
- Charles Swindoll
If I had my life to live over, I'd have spent more hours in worship.
- Charles Swindoll
The longer I live the more I believe that the greatest enemy of a victorious Christian life is passivity.
- Charles Swindoll