Quotes from Charles Swindoll
I cannot at the same time accept the glory and give God the glory... Glorifying God means being occupied with and committed to His ways rather than preoccupied with and determined my own way. It is being so thrilled with Him, so devoted to Him, so committed to Him that we cannot get enough of Him!
- Charles Swindoll
As we shall see, the best leaders are actually servants. Unselfishly
- Charles Swindoll
Why should He have to suffer on behalf of humanity? Nomoral imperative required God to sacrifice His Son. He would be no less holy or righteous if He allowed the race of sin-sick humans to suffer the just consequences of their own rebellion. Nothing compelled Jesus to complete the mission—nothing, that is, except love for the people He had made and obedience to His Father.
- Charles Swindoll
When you are in the center of God's will, my friend, it flows.
- Charles Swindoll
God eternally exists as three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God.[9]
- Charles Swindoll
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption. . . . Galatians 6:7—
- Charles Swindoll
John says, in effect, "In the beginning, God the Son created humanity and filled them with life. He then came to earth as a human to bring life again to humanity, which is spiritually dead because of sin.
- Charles Swindoll
John could have intended a double meaning. In the end, darkness was not able to suppress the Light even by placing the Light in a tomb. However
- Charles Swindoll
the verses that follow appear to stress the mental deficiency of the darkness: its unwillingness to believe and therefore its inability to comprehend. Then, as the story of Jesus unfolds, John will show that truth is nonsense to a mind darkened by sin (8:
- Charles Swindoll
Please cleanse me, even if I must endure hardship or suffer affliction in the process. Grant me the courage to remain steadfast as You work. Grant me patience to endure the process and provide extra encouragement when my patience wears thin. Then let me rejoice when Your temple is again pure. I make the same request as David did so many years ago: Create in me a clean heart, O God (Ps. 51:
- Charles Swindoll
Faith is asking the question, what does the Lord want me to be doing right now, in this moment? and then doing what we know is pleasing to Him.
- Charles Swindoll
Crisis of the will. When a darkened mind chooses to remain in darkness, no one is to blame but the individual making that choice.
- Charles Swindoll