Quotes from Charles Swindoll
Go God's way! His is the most reliable route to follow when life gets complicated. It will have its tough moments, but you will never regret it.
- Charles Swindoll
10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.
- Charles Swindoll
The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
- Charles Swindoll
The swift wind of compromise is a lot more devastating than the sudden jolt of misfortune.
- Charles Swindoll
Good intentions and earnest effort are not enough. Only Jesus can make an otherwise futile life productive.
- Charles Swindoll
God uses those who seem ill-fitted for a significant life.
- Charles Swindoll
I don't see life divided into public and private, secular and sacred. It's all an open place of service before our God.
- Charles Swindoll
The single most important issue in all of life (is) your relationship with the living God... how you can know Him in a personal and meaningful way.
- Charles Swindoll
The skeptic may deny your doctrine or attack your church but he cannot honestly ignore the fact that your life has been changed.
- Charles Swindoll
Joy springs from a life lived with eternity's values in view.
- Charles Swindoll
The best tests of my Christian growth occur in the mainstream of life, not in the quietness of my study
- Charles Swindoll
I believe firmly in God's control in life.
- Charles Swindoll