Quotes from Brother Andrew
The work of the church is not survival. She exists to fulfill the Great Commission. Her work is making disciples of all nations.
- Brother Andrew
The Lord said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh." —Exodus 7:1 Jesus gives us the same privilege God gave to Moses—to speak for Him to a hostile world.
- Brother Andrew
As long as we see any person as an enemy—whether Communist, Muslim or terrorist—then the love of God cannot flow through us to reach them.
- Brother Andrew
But bit by bit as I got to know Yugoslavia better, I became aware of the slow wearing-down process the government was exerting on Christians. The effort seemed to be centered on the children. Leave the old folks alone, but wean the young people away from the church.
- Brother Andrew
Technology, Andrew says, makes us far too accessible to the demands and pressures of the moment. 'Our first priority should be listening in patience and silence for the voice of God.
- Brother Andrew
Uncle Hoppy only laughed. "Just you wait," he said. "Before we get home we will meet the man who was supposed to be in that chair. And when we do, his heart will be prepared. Time and place are our own limitations, Andy; we mustn't impose them upon God." And
- Brother Andrew
It's not that we don't know the principles of righteousness. The issue is whether we have the courage to act on them.
- Brother Andrew
She began by reminding me of the scriptural injunction that the ox grinding the corn must not be kept from enjoying the grain. Did I think God felt less about His human workers? Hadn't I better examine myself to be sure I was not nursing a Sacrificial Spirit? Wasn't I claiming to depend upon God, but living as if my needs would be met by my own scrimping?
- Brother Andrew
I have come to see clearly that life is more than self. It is more than doing what I want, striving for what will benefit me, dreaming of all I can be. Life is all about my relationship with God. There is no higher calling, no loftier dream, and no greater goal than to live, breathe, and be poured out for Jesus Christ." --Jamie in Brother Andrew's "The Calling
- Brother Andrew
I am a fool for Christ...whose fool are you?
- Brother Andrew
We have to live a life that is more revolutionary than that of the revolutionaries.
- Brother Andrew
The bigger the darkness, the easier it is to spot your little light.
- Brother Andrew