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Quotes from GC Berkouwer

We must warn against an incorrect conception of theology, a conception which considers it possible to discuss Holy Scripture apart from a personal relationship of belief in it, as though that alone would constitute true 'objectivity'.
- GC Berkouwer
I am of the opinion that … one can judge soundly of the scriptural doctrine of election only when one rejects this symmetry (i.e. the 'equal ultimacy' of election and reprobation) ... as an unbiblical distortion of the message of the Divine election.
- GC Berkouwer
The authoriyty of God's Word ... is (known) in the way of the Spirit, who leads man to obedience and draws him in his full existence to the gospel.
- GC Berkouwer
The purpose of the God-breathed Scripture is not at all to provide a scientific gnosis in order to convey and increase human knowledge and wisdom, but to witness of the salvation of God unto faith. This approach does not mean to separate faith and knowledge. But the knowledge that is the unmistakable aim of Scripture is the knowledge of faith, which does not increase human wisdom, but is life eternal.
- GC Berkouwer
God ... is hidden from corrupt eyes, from the proud and disdainful, but revealed to those who in confession of sin and receptive faith are open to His grace. Salvation is preached in Christ: it is not necessary for one to travel a long way to overcome its hiddenness: he should simply accept this gift in faith.
- GC Berkouwer
Over and over the question addressed to Jesus arises in the history of the church: 'Lord, will those who are saved be few?' Jesus' answer seems so non-committal, so evasive: 'Strive to enter by the narrow door' (Luke 13:23f.). But this evasiveness is only apparent. This is the answer to this question. As long as we see only in a mirror, in riddles, many questions will remain unanswered, But this question has been answered, once for all time.
- GC Berkouwer
Theology is not an excursion into the stratosphere that lies beyond scriptural sppech in time: it may not travel beyond the borders of faith's perspective. Beyond the word of Scripture we dare not go, in speech or theological reflection; for it is in this word that God's love in Jesus Christ is revealed. There is nothing beyond that.
- GC Berkouwer
The freedom of the man of God has nothing to do with autonomy and does not stand opposed to submission to God.
- GC Berkouwer
The restoration of the image of God ... the new nature, created after the likeness of God in righteousness and holiness ... the new nature, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator ... the renewal of the image will throw light upon the meaning and content of the original creation of man in the image of God.
- GC Berkouwer
The gospel does not leave unchanged the person who does not listen and remains disobedient ... unbelief can lead only to progressive hardening of the heart.
- GC Berkouwer
The fact that Bultmann proceeds from a pastoral and missionary motive - namely, to preserve modern man from rejecting the New Testament because of its mythical structure - does not diminish by one iota the theological presumption of this undertaking.
- GC Berkouwer
When "the concept of error in the sense of incorrectness is … used on the same level as the concept of erring in the sense of sin and deception … we are quite far removed from the serious manner with which erring is dealt in Scripture … (as) a swerving from the truth and upsetting the faith (2 Tim. 2:18)
- GC Berkouwer