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Quotes from GC Berkouwer

Everything is really said in an unobtrusive phrase, in Christ ...Faith is not added as a second, independent ingredient which makes its own contribution to justification in Christ... faith does nothing but accept, or come to rest in the sovereignty of His benefit ... we are not acceptable to God because of the worthiness of our faith. Grace is exclusively and totally God's.
- GC Berkouwer
Ttheology is not practised apart from faith, prayer and adoration ... The whole subject matter of Christology is most intimately related to the secret of revelation ... the enlightenment of the eyes.
- GC Berkouwer
Faith looks away from itself to Christ ... sola fide (by faith alone) and sola gratia (by grace alone) ... mean the same thing ... let the sound of sola fide-sola gratia ring in the life of the Church. Let it be a warning against the pride of the treacherous heart.
- GC Berkouwer
In sanctification, there is never, under any circumstances, any room for self-pride or self-praise.
- GC Berkouwer
Faith involves a certain subjectivity, ... a subjectivity which has meaning only as it is bound to the gospel.
- GC Berkouwer
The object of Christology is not a purely theoretical knowledge but a profitable, wholesome knowledge of the salvation of God in Jesus Christ.
- GC Berkouwer
The grace of God is never the cause for glorying in one's own power ... Perseverance is always opposed to false self-confidence.
- GC Berkouwer
The church's ... certainty is bound to certain norms and ... a feeling of subjective certainty does not guarantee irrefutable certainty ... it is not the certainty, but the truth in the certainty that makes us free ... there is a way of understanding Holy Scripture that does not estrange us from the gospel.
- GC Berkouwer
The "Nature Psalms" ... This understanding, and seeing, and hearing, is possible only ... in the enlightening of the eyes by the salvation of God ... But this seeing and hearing is not a projection of the believing subject, but an actual finding and seeing, and hearing! Here nothing is 'read into', but is only an understanding of the reality of revelation.
- GC Berkouwer
If theology is to speak adequately of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it must be thoroughly committed to hearing "the powerful witness of the 'tremendous' Word that always speaks against us so that we can learn to stop speaking against it.
- GC Berkouwer
The fundamental fact about baptism will always be its involvement with the death of Christ ... The prevenient aspect of the grace of God lies not in the temporal priority of the acts of God in baptism in comparison with the conscious acceptance of the divine promise, but in the temporal priority of the cross of Christ with respect to the baptized person, whether child or adult.
- GC Berkouwer
Men have tried to construct abstract and causal answers to this question of sin's origin and have violated the very limits of objectivity. Whoever reflects on the origin of cannot engage himself in a merely theoretical dispute; rather he is engaged intimately, in the problem of sin's guilt.
- GC Berkouwer