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Quotes from St. Thomas Aquinas

Natural inclinations are present in things from God, who moves all things. So it is impossible for the natural inclinations of a species to be toward evil in itself. But there is in all perfect animals a natural inclination toward carnal union. Therefore it is impossible for carnal union to be evil in itself.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
To the Everlasting Father, And the Son who made us free And the Spirit, God proceeding From them Each eternally, Be salvation, honour, blessing, Might and endless majesty.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Eternity is called whole, not because it has parts, but because it is lacking in nothing.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Man is closer to God according to his existence in grace than he is according to his existence in nature.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Even as in the blessed in heaven there will be most perfect charity, so in the damned there will be the most perfect hate. Wherefore as the saints will rejoice in all goods, so will the damned grieve for all goods. Consequently the sight of the happiness of the saints will give them very great pain.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The highest perfection of human life consists in the mind of man being detached from care, for the sake of God.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
God is not related to creatures as though belonging to a different "genus," but as transcending every "genus," and as the principle of all "genera."
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The image of God always abides in the soul, whether this image be obsolete and clouded over as to amount to almost nothing; or whether it be obscured or disfigured, as is the case with sinners; or whether it be clear and beautiful as is the case with the just.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Affirmative precepts are distinguished from negative whenever one is not comprised in the other; thus, that of honoring parents does not comprise that of not killing, and vice versa.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Anger and the like are attributed to God on account of a similitude of effect. Thus, because to punish is properly the act of an angry man, God's punishment is metaphorically spoken of as His anger.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
The proper task of the Savior is that he is a savior; indeed, for this he came into the world: to seek and save what was lost.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
When the devil is called the God of this world, it is not because he made it, but because we serve him with our worldliness.
- St. Thomas Aquinas