Quotes from Bishop TD Jakes
When it comes to bringing an idea that God has given you to fruition, don't wait for it to happen again, you have to get out there and make it happen.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Ya'll don't hear what I'm preaching. I'm preaching so good I'm about to 'Amen' myself! Oh!...Oh God! I'm preaching good! Hallelujah!
- Bishop TD Jakes
I think being a good Christian father, your responsibility varies with the age and the stage that your children are at.
- Bishop TD Jakes
I would tell your generation, wherever you are on the totem poll - whether you're halfway there or at the bottom, don't despise small beginnings; small beginnings get you ready for great things.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Surround yourself with people whose definition of you is not based on your history, but your destiny.
- Bishop TD Jakes
You cannot embrace your destiny if you do not let go of your history.
- Bishop TD Jakes
There are no college courses to build up self-esteem or high school or elementary school. If you don't get those values at a early age, nurtured in your home, you don't get them.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Faith is the substance of whatever it is that we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that faith is connected to good works and responsibility.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Never make a permanent decision about a temporary situation.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The most wonderful thing in the world is somebody who knows who they are and knows where they're going and knows what they were created to do
- Bishop TD Jakes
Eagles fly where lesser birds cannot fly, so eagles can do what lesser birds cannot do.
- Bishop TD Jakes
When You Hold Onto Your History, You Do It At The Expense Of Your Destiny.
- Bishop TD Jakes