Quotes from Bishop TD Jakes
Many people shun an anointed atmosphere because they know that it will challenge them to change. Preferring to stay where the power of God is not moving, they are never challenged, convicted, or transformed.
- Bishop TD Jakes
It's bitterness that drives you to alcohol or drugs or food or pornography or anything else as a method of coping with your season of suffering. When you've been consumed by bitterness, you develop a desire to consume anything that will get the taste out of your mouth—
- Bishop TD Jakes
God says, "I have the strength that is necessary to escalate and motivate and move you up and out of your circumstances.
- Bishop TD Jakes
No matter how strong we are, there is always something that can cause the heart to flutter and the pulse to weaken.
- Bishop TD Jakes
God gives you the strength to stand in the midst of turmoil and walk through it victoriously!
- Bishop TD Jakes
He alone whom we must trust to see the very worst in us, yet still think the very best of us.
- Bishop TD Jakes
It is from the depths of dark and dirty places in our lives that we scream for God's attention and help while misunderstanding that, just like with a natural seed, it is the microbes in the soil of life that eat away at our efforts to protect ourselves from harm.
- Bishop TD Jakes
The Scriptures declare, "… it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed" (Rom. 13:11 KJV).
- Bishop TD Jakes
God doesn't cut us to kill us but to heal us. It's the difference between experiencing the blade of a dagger in a back-alley attack and the blade of a scalpel in an operating room.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Being planted and being buried may feel similar—if not identical—but the intention leads to very different outcomes.
- Bishop TD Jakes
God never had to reach into the ground again, because the power to transform was intrinsically placed into man. All types of potential were locked into our spirits before birth. For the Christian, transformation at its optimum is the outworking of the internal. God placed certain things in us that must come out. We house the prophetic power of God. Every word of our personal prophetic destiny is inside us. He has ordained us to be.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Actually, isn't that what we want to know—our purpose? Then we can use the power to become who we really are. Life has chiseled many of us into mere fragments of who we were meant to be. To all who receive Him, Christ gives the power to slip out of who they were forced into being so they can transform into the individual they each were created to be.
- Bishop TD Jakes