Quotes from Bishop TD Jakes
Because you have messed up, many of you believe your calling has been annulled. The devil is a liar, for "the gifts and calling of God are without repentance" (Rom. 11:29). That is, they are irrevocable—He's not taking them back.
- Bishop TD Jakes
God's response is simple. Anything that is made well is made slowly.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Just because the vision tarries doesn't mean God has changed His mind or given up on you. It could very well mean that the timing or the situation is not right for God to get the ultimate glory and benefit out of your trusting in Him. Hold on to faith even in the midst of the battle.
- Bishop TD Jakes
You can live in this world and make all the money you could ever dream of and be as beautiful as you want and be as educated as you please and accomplish whatever you want to, but if you die without accomplishing your purpose, you are a failure, a reject, and a fool.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Will you bring life to your dream or will you allow it to die of neglect? It is absolutely true that you have a divine summons to fulfill, but it's not automatic and it's not guaranteed. You are the major player who must give yourself fully to the process of becoming.
- Bishop TD Jakes
You can be the most grateful person in the world, but if you have not arrived at the place God wants you to be, to do the thing God has destined you and only you to do, that longing will never go away.
- Bishop TD Jakes
It's miserable living someone else's life, and it is downright suffocating to live beneath your potential.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Paying attention to what nourishes and stimulates your heart, soul, and imagination leads to listening to your instincts. In turn, listening to your instincts jump-starts the process of creating the fabric of your destiny. Like a designer sewing a garment, you take the vision within you and bring it to life in a suit to be worn for your next season of life. You are instinctively best at inventing what is in your inventory!
- Bishop TD Jakes
When the Master gives us the vision of what he's going to do in our lives, He shows us the mountain peaks while He hides the valleys. If you saw the climb you would have to endure to get to the mountaintop, you would abandon the entire trip.
- Bishop TD Jakes
If you are searching for the secret of true joy, and victorious Holy Spirit-filled Christ living, the answer is simply this: Die! Die and keep on dying daily until all of you is dead and only Christ lives. Death is the key to life and life more abundantly.
- Bishop TD Jakes
There is a difference between discussion and argument. A discussion airs the issues, but an argument alleges charges and appoint blame.
- Bishop TD Jakes
A father is an image of a young man's destiny, a living testimony of what time may bring to pass.
- Bishop TD Jakes