Quotes from Fr. Richard Rohr
Only with a notion of the Preexisting Christ can we recover where this Jesus was "coming from" and where he is leading us—which is precisely into the "bosom of the Trinity" (John 1:18). "I shall return to take you with me, so that where I am you also may be" (John 14:3), the Christ has promised. That might just be the best and most succinct description of salvation there is in the whole New Testament.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
But which should come first, grace or responsibility? The answer is that both come first. All we can do is get out of the way and then the soul takes its natural course.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
We have been graced for a truly sweet surrender, if we can radically accept being radically accepted—for nothing! "Or grace would not be grace at all"! (Romans 11:6).
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Knowing without loving is frankly dangerous for the soul and for society. You'll critique most everything you encounter and even have the hubris to call this mode of reflexive cynicism "thinking
- Fr. Richard Rohr
If this inner and critical voice has kept you safe for many years as your inner voice of authority, you may end up not being able to hear the real voice of God.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
there is an early stage "holiness" that looks like the real thing, but it isn't.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
All the emptying out is only for the sake of a Great Outpouring.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
No doubt you're aware that many traditional Christians today consider the concept of universal anything—including salvation—heresy. Many do not even like the United Nations. And many Catholics and Orthodox Christians use the lines of ethnicity to determine who's in and who's out. I find these convictions quite strange for a religion that believes that "one God created all things.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The two alternatives are always exclusionary, usually in an angry way: things are either totally right or totally wrong, with me or against me, male or female, Democrat or Republican, Christian or pagan, on and on and on. The binary mind provides quick security and false comfort, but never wisdom. It thinks it is smart because it counters your idea with an opposing idea. There is usually not much room for a "reconciling third." I see this in myself almost every day.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
You are in a position of total powerlessness, and your ego is fighting it. All you can do is surrender and enter into this dance of unhindered dialogue, this circle of praise, this web of communion that we call the Blessed Trinity.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Some say that FEAR is merely an acronym for "false evidence appearing real.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
All theologies are blasphemous in so far as they attempt to reduce God to something that can be known through the understanding by which we know other things.
- Fr. Richard Rohr