Quotes from Susan May Warren
It's an awe-filled, wonderful, terrifying act to have a child, for you suddenly wear your heart on the outside of your body. You risk a little more each day as he wanders from your arms into the world.
- Susan May Warren
But you don't have to change the world to earn the applause of heaven.
- Susan May Warren
Don't for a minute think that God has forgotten about you or doesn't have your back. And don't base God's love or desire to help you on your opinion of yourself. Base it on who God says He is.
- Susan May Warren
God's love is not cautious, not wise, not sensible, and not remotely conservative. In fact, loving another person the way God loves them is the greatest adventure we can have.
- Susan May Warren
I think you need to know that your hope hasn't been in vain. That there will be a happy ending. That when the show is over, you will hear applause.
- Susan May Warren
How about this—let's not let our past determine whether God loves us or not. He does. And we'll never get it right without him.
- Susan May Warren
Being a good man has nothing to do with how many touchdowns you score. But maybe, rather, how you play the game.
- Susan May Warren
I think God's blessing might have everything to do with Him and His riches, and nothing to do with whether we deserve it.
- Susan May Warren
If you love someone, you don't act like they annoy you. You like them, and you try and make them think they're the most important person in the world to you.
- Susan May Warren
I think everyone who gets to have dreams should reach for them. I want to help you reach.
- Susan May Warren
Because He knew that no matter what we did, we would always need Him.
- Susan May Warren
some things, like love, might be worth hoping for. That it was okay to long for it, even in the face of the impossible.
- Susan May Warren