Quotes from Susan May Warren
She needs you to be bigger than her fears. Stronger than her rejection. And yes, if you truly believe that she doesn't want you in her life, then you have to let her go, But a woman who opens her heart up wants to know she will be protected.
- Susan May Warren
True Love--unconditional love--declares you worthy just because it chooses you. (pg 150)
- Susan May Warren
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.
- Susan May Warren
God wants to break through the identities we've constructed for ourselves, the fears we have of discovery, to say, "I see you. I know you. I know everything about you, and yet I love you. Period. You don't have to fear the truth with Me because I already know it. I know exactly who you are, and I still died to save you.
- Susan May Warren
She knew right then...she too knew real love. that kid of love that forgave again and kept showing up, loving her when she didn't have the courage to love back. Love pursued. Love forgave. Love believed. Love sacrificed.~ Jess (pg 287)
- Susan May Warren
When you forgive someone, it gives you room in your heart to love them.
- Susan May Warren
Don't for one minute think that God has forgotten you or doesn't have your back. And don't base God's love or desire to help you on your opinion of yourself. Base it on who God says he is.
- Susan May Warren
That's what love does right? Shows up and sticks around, even for the hard stuff. Keeps its promises~ Sam to Pete (pg 322)
- Susan May Warren
Stop looking at what you can't do and look ahead, to your safe landing. Visualize it.
- Susan May Warren
Fear had its own power, and the more I did nothing, the greater my fear would grow. But I had to remember two things. First, if I wanted to be free, then I had to stop being a victim and fight back with everything inside me. And second, that God never intended me to fight my battles alone.~ Ned (pg 216)
- Susan May Warren
That we shouldn't base God's desire to help us on our opinions of ourselves. Otherwise we'd always be in over our heads. We need to start believing that he wants to help us. Even when we make mistakes.
- Susan May Warren
Dodge, be honest. It's not close to over. You've been nursing this wound for nearly ten years, working it off over there in Afghanistan, trying to forget the girl you've loved since you were ten. There's no way this is over. There is so much bitterness sitting in your heart you can't even see it. But maybe that's why God brought you back - for her. And to set you free from all that darkness.
- Susan May Warren