Quotes from Susan May Warren
But I've long believed that marriage isn't just for our joy, but to make us stronger, better people. To change us into the people God wants us to be. And we do that through better . . . and worse.
- Susan May Warren
You've always spent your life looking forward, the destination in mind. But faith is stepping forward without knowing the destination.
- Susan May Warren
Nothing worth having comes without a price.
- Susan May Warren
C'mon. Just a plate of food, and I promise, you don't have to talk to anyone. You can just perch yourself in the corner, eat a plate of ribs, and glower." She winked. "You know, be your usual self.
- Susan May Warren
how faith is about trusting God when He seems farthest away. I'm wondering if, in those moments, we have to remember what we know about God, about what He's done for us.
- Susan May Warren
When your heart's desire is the will of the Lord above everything else, then life loses its threat because His love will carry us through every situation.
- Susan May Warren
I don't even know what intimacy is, Pastor." "It's belonging and believing and being loving to each other. It's vulnerability to the one person you trust most. It's saying, 'Here's my ugly, battered, wounded heart. I'm going to let you see it and trust you with it.' Did you ever let her see your grief?
- Susan May Warren
The Ones who love you always come back
- Susan May Warren
Who said marriage and intimacy—the way God wants them to be, a depiction of His intimate love for us—would be easy? Marriage is not a conditional act. It's loving no matter what. It's how we're supposed to be with God—trusting Him with all our fragile parts.
- Susan May Warren
You have to learn to live life in the middle of the danger. And trust that there's a bigger plan.
- Susan May Warren
I'm having a rotten day. First I lock myself out of the house, then I rip my skirt climbing through the window, then Macy's computer eats my layaway. And now, old Noah here won't start.
- Susan May Warren
God knows how tough it is to forgive, especially when someone has done you wrong. But He does expect you to do it. And He expects you to be patient and trust Him to work in others' lives. Psalm 37. It's one of my favorites, especially when I know God wants me to do something impossible, like forgive.
- Susan May Warren