Quotes from Jack Kerouac
Shearing began to play his chords; they rolled out of the piano in great rich showers, you'd think the man wouldn't have time to line them up. They rolled and rolled like the sea.
- Jack Kerouac
We wandered around, carrying our bundles of rags in the narrow romantic streets. Everybody looked like a broken-down movie extra, a withered starlet; disenchanted stunt-men, midget auto-racers, poignant California characters with their end-of-the-continent sadness, handsome, decadent, Casanova-ish men, puffy-eyed motel blondes, hustlers, pimps, whores, masseurs, bellhops—a lemon lot, and how's a man going to make a living with a gang like that?
- Jack Kerouac
grasping after life as much as you can because of its sweet sadness and because you would be dead some day.
- Jack Kerouac
I want to marry a girl, I told them, so I can rest my soul with her till we both get old.
- Jack Kerouac
I'd also gone through an entire year of celibacy based on my feeling that lust was the direct cause of birth which was the direct cause of suffering and death and I had really no lie come to a point where I regarded lust as offensive and even cruel. "Pretty girls make graves
- Jack Kerouac
All those Zen Masters throwing young kids in the mud because they can't answer their silly word questions That's because they want them to discover that mud is better than words, boy.
- Jack Kerouac
Dean pointed out with a grimace of pain. "It's not the kind of sweat we have, it's oily and it's always there because it's always hot the year round and she knows nothing of non-sweat, she was born with sweat and dies with sweat." The sweat on her little brow was heavy, sluggish; it didn't run; it just stood there and gleamed like a fine olive oil. "What that must do to their souls! How different they must be
- Jack Kerouac
Like as the birds that gather in the trees of afternoon,' wrote Ashvhaghosha almost two thousand years ago, 'then at nightfall vanish all away, so are the separations of the world.
- Jack Kerouac
I think my sudden love for this girl is a truer expression of myself than anything.
- Jack Kerouac
For life is holy, and every moment is precious.
- Jack Kerouac
I did everything with that great mad joy you get when you return to New York City.
- Jack Kerouac
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!
- Jack Kerouac