Quotes from Beth Hoffman
What happened today was a terrible thing, but I believe with all my heart that the Good Lord is holdin' all of us in His arms. That man don't know who we are or where we live, and he ain't gonna find out. We all need to be careful in this world, but I promise you, for every bad person on this earth there's a hundred good ones.
- Beth Hoffman
It's what we believe about ourselves that determines how others see us.
- Beth Hoffman
We all need to be careful in this world, but I promise you, for every bad person on this earth there's a hundred good ones.
- Beth Hoffman
Life is full of change, honey. That's how we learn and grow. When we're born, the Good Lord gives each of us a Life Book. Chapter by chapter, we live and learn.'"-
- Beth Hoffman
A strong breeze is natures way of blowing away our sorrows.
- Beth Hoffman
Don't grow up too fast, darling. Age is inevitalbe but if you nurture a childlike heart you'll never grow old.
- Beth Hoffman
Well, looks like you won't be reaching nirvana anytime soon." She pushed a stray lock of hair off her forehead and sniffed. "Yes, I suppose that's true. I guess I'll just have to settle for a trip to Idaho.
- Beth Hoffman
Yes. Everyone needs to find the one thing that brings out her passion. It's what we do and share with the world that matters.
- Beth Hoffman
It's what we believe about ourselves that determines how others see us.
- Beth Hoffman
My mother used to say that each day was a gift and how we chose to unwrap it would determine our happiness.
- Beth Hoffman
Though Mrs. Fontaine smiled, I couldn't help but wonder if she'd sized me up and found me lacking.
- Beth Hoffman
I know you're scared, but you gotta grab hold of yourself. Every time you give in to your fears, you're lettin' that man win. and every time you do that, he gets stronger while you get weaker. Givin' in to your fears will rob you blind. You'll end up a prisoner to that man for the rest of your life.
- Beth Hoffman