Quotes from Mary Connealy
I was also struck by how John wasn't really alone out there because he knew had God with him. My pa was a believer, but we never went near a church or talked much about faith or owned a Bible. That Bible I found was an anchor to hold on to. It reminded me God was with me in the wilderness.~ Trace
- Mary Connealy
I love you, Cassie Dawson. I love you and I love our little..." With a sudden start, Red remembered something vital. A tiny spurt of fear flashed in Cassie's eyes. "What is it?" Red said, chagrined, "I just realized I don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl.
- Mary Connealy
Just rest another minute, Cass. You needed to cry those tears. You've been through a terrible time. Just let me hold you.
- Mary Connealy
Try an' get some rest, darlin'." Clay pressed her back against her pillow. Sophie nodded. Clay stood and took a couple of steps toward the door. He paused and looked back at her, and then he awkwardly came back, leaned over, and kissed her on the forehead, then the cheek, then her lips. He brushed her hair back again. "You and the girls, and this life I've got myself into, will always be a miracle to me, Sophie.
- Mary Connealy
Montana July 1897 D
- Mary Connealy
Nebraska with
- Mary Connealy
It's dangerous, but it's a place full of the majesty of creation, too. It's a shining testimony to God.
- Mary Connealy
unfortunately just
- Mary Connealy
I don't reckon men are supposed to think," Sally said philosophically, as the pile of hemp rope grew at her feet. "That's why God gave 'em big muscles." Mandy tilted her head sideways for a second. "Makes as much sense as anything else." Sophie nodded. "Men do the lifting and women do the thinking. That sounds fair. I suppose God could have planned it that way.
- Mary Connealy
The devil is who torments good folks in the night. He whispers doubt in your ear. He stirs up anger. He picks at any little mistake you've made, or thinks you've made, and blows it up big. That's Satan, stirring and stirring trouble, like a pot he's trying to boil over, hoping he can spill sin through your soul and slop it all over the people around you.
- Mary Connealy
But in the moonlight your eyes glow like there's a fire burning in you. It's as if you were born to spread warmth and love.
- Mary Connealy
He hoped she was gazing into the future that included him. A shiver rushed down his spine, and he wasn't sure if it was longing or fear. Truth be told, it was a little of both.
- Mary Connealy