Quotes from Ray Blackston
May God grant us the grace to laugh at ourselves.
- Ray Blackston
We spend vast amounts of time and energy crafting a thesis in our heads of how life should play out. Then Almighty God spends an incredibly brief amount of time blowing our thesis to bits.
- Ray Blackston
Singleness can be a wonderful furnace.
- Ray Blackston
Above the dunes of Pawleys Island a choir of sea oats bent westward, tickling the sunset and waving g'night.
- Ray Blackston
It's just that I'd rather get to know you before I get to know your lips.
- Ray Blackston
Thanks for respecting me.
- Ray Blackston
I listened again for a voice. But there was no voice tonight, just my obedience. No professional carpenters, just willing bodies. No last-minute detours off the interstate, just eight seats reserved in economy class.
- Ray Blackston
Rich wisdom is better even than rich soil, young Neil. Jose sees now that you grow in wisdom like a weed in manure.
- Ray Blackston
He mounted the board in roughly the same manner as a walrus wound mount a balance beam.
- Ray Blackston
We're all gonna become overweight sponges if we just soak up spiritual data and never get out into the world to be squeezed.
- Ray Blackston
Because outside of God's shadow I was just a gaudy plastic float filled with stubborn air, drifting off like a blind Jonah in search of Plan B, manipulating circumstances and wondering why I kept waking up in my very own Tarshish.
- Ray Blackston
But in God's shadow I had been dazzled by the detour, amazed at the fraternity, and flabbergasted by the depth that comes from simplicity, from serving in a village that was shabby, green, and pulsing with life.
- Ray Blackston