Quotes from Randy Clark
God moves in power, in signs and wonders—healing the sick, in deliverances, multiplying food for the hungry, raising the dead—primarily for this reason: He is good! And it is His desire to reveal His goodness—His glory—in all the earth.
- Randy Clark
D.L. Moody heard somebody say that the world has not yet seen what God could do with one man who would be totally surrendered to Him. And D.L. Moody said, "I want to be that man.
- Randy Clark
Don't limit God to fit in the way that you think that He is going to speak, because just about the time that we think we have Him figured out, He will oftentimes speak to us in another way. God wants us to be in tune with him, and not just in tune with one of the ways that He gives those words.
- Randy Clark
For many Charismatics, Scripture is not simply a book to be read and studied, but it is an invitation into a lifestyle of supernatural engagement. Truly, such followers of Jesus desire to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. This should be celebrated rather than rejected.
- Randy Clark
So the principle is this: Wherever there is more faith, more happens. Whenever there is great faith, great things happen. Where there are more people of faith, more things happen in that congregation than in a congregation where there is less faith. It is that simple. Jesus Himself could do no mighty deeds in Nazareth because of the unbelief of the people there (see Matt. 13: 58).
- Randy Clark
The Great Commandment—to love—must come before the Great Commission—to do. "I've stepped back from the 'work' of ministry, and now I just play with my Daddy. The wonderful thing is that I'm seeing more fruit than ever! God is love. When His love is released, healing comes—healing of every
- Randy Clark
My speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power" (1 Corinthians 2: 4). In the same letter he wrote, "For the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power," and he speaks of the Holy Spirit giving "the working of miracles" (1 Corinthians 4: 20; 12: 10).
- Randy Clark
accompanied by demonstrations of the power and glory of God. Even the gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit pale in comparison to those times when God chooses to "rend the heavens and come down" in His glory. His glory produces many more healings and powerful impartations than any of His gifts. This is entirely consistent with God's
- Randy Clark
Evangelism is not first and foremost a matter of strategies, plans and projects, but rather of being filled with the Holy Spirit and allowing that divine life within us to burst forth in both word and action.
- Randy Clark
When it comes to physical healing and deliverance, there is an historical difference in quality and quantity regarding healing between Christianity and other religious systems or non-religious systems.
- Randy Clark
faith acted upon in obedience brings the miraculous.
- Randy Clark
We must teach the new disciples to also do what Jesus commanded the twelve and the seventy to do when they were commissioned. Discipleship in the first century was not merely learning the teachings of the master discipler, but also learning to model their lives on his life, believing like he did, behaving like he did, and doing what he did.
- Randy Clark