Quotes from Nikki Giovanni
The poet Melvin B. Tolson once said, 'A civilization is judged only in its decline.' That made sense to me. I would imagine the same is true for poets and tennis players.
- Nikki Giovanni
Iife/personality must be taken as a total entity. All of your life is all of your life, and no one incident stands alone.
- Nikki Giovanni
If you know what you're talking about, or if you feel that you do, the reader will believe you.
- Nikki Giovanni
Life is a process where people mix and match, fall apart and come back together.
- Nikki Giovanni
Everybody that loves freedom loves Harriet Tubman because she was determined not only to be free, but to make free as many people as she could.
- Nikki Giovanni
I am so hip even my errors are correct
- Nikki Giovanni
The catchword I use with my classes is: The authority of the writer always overcomes the skepticism of the reader.
- Nikki Giovanni
My dream is a red dress Above my knees High-heel red sandals And me coming over the top The music booming Hi Howie I will say With a lovely smile I don't want to play the game I want to be it.
- Nikki Giovanni
I move on feeling and have learned to distrust those who don't.
- Nikki Giovanni
VISIBILITY - You've got to find a way to make people know you're there
- Nikki Giovanni
If I can't do what I want to do, then my job is to not do what I want to do. It's not the same thing, but it's the best thing I can do.
- Nikki Giovanni
We are all more than our experiences And less than our dreams ~ from I Am Glass
- Nikki Giovanni