Quotes from Maya Angelou
Whether our new start was going to end in success or failure didn't cross my mind. What I did know, and know consciously, was that it was already exciting.
- Maya Angelou
When you learn, teach. When you get, give" "But still, like dust, I'll rise" "I'm not on top but I call it swell if I'm able to work and get paid right..." "I'm a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That's me.
- Maya Angelou
Each of us has lived through some devastation, some loneliness, some weather superstorm or spiritual superstorm. When we look at each other we must say, I understand. I understand how you feel because I have been there myself. We must support each other because each of us is more alike than we are unalike.
- Maya Angelou
- Maya Angelou
My tears were not for Bailey or Mother or even myself but for the helplessness of mortals who live on the sufferance of Life. In order to avoid this bitter end, we would all have to be born again, and born with the knowledge of alternatives. Even then?
- Maya Angelou
From that encounter on, whether my days are stormy or sunny and if my nights are glorious or lonely, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. If pessimism insists on occupying my thoughts, I remember there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed.
- Maya Angelou
Whether we were in the mines of South Africa, or the liberal New York theater, nothing changed. Whites wanted everything. They thought they deserved everything. That they wanted to possess all the materials of the earth was in itself disturbing, but that they also wanted to control the souls and the pride of people was inexplicable.
- Maya Angelou
Did he insult you? I mean us, the race? Not directly. Like most white racists, he was paternalistic. I would have preferred he slap me than that he talk down upon me. Then I could retaliate in kind.
- Maya Angelou
His words never rushed but were selected, chewed over, released into the air as if the best choice possible had been made.
- Maya Angelou
There is a time in every man's life when he must push off from the wharf of safety into the sea of chance.
- Maya Angelou
When he finished, more triumphant stories rainbowed around the room riding the shoulders of laughter. By all accounts these storytellers, born Black and male before the turn of the twentieth century, should have been ground into useless dust. Instead they used their intelligence to pry open the door of rejection and not only became wealthy but got some revenge in the bargain. It wasn't possible for me to regard them as criminals or be anything but proud of their achievements.
- Maya Angelou
A smile struggled free and limped across his lips.
- Maya Angelou