Quotes from Maya Angelou
If you don't protect yourself, you look like a fool asking somebody else to protect you. [..] A woman needs to support herself before she asks anyone else to support her.
- Maya Angelou
We are sa blind as we want to be
- Maya Angelou
under my eye, but not my thumb.
- Maya Angelou
When you learn, teach
- Maya Angelou
Reality began its tedious crawl back into their reasoning. After all, they were needy and hungry and despised and dispossessed, and sinners the world over were in the driver's seat. How long, merciful Father? How long? A
- Maya Angelou
Each time a woman stands up for herself, she stands up for all women.
- Maya Angelou
Did I learn to be kinder, To be more patient, And more generous, More loving, More ready to laugh, And more easy to accept honest tears? If I accept those legacies of my departed beloveds, I am able to say, Thank You to them for their love and Thank You to God for their lives.
- Maya Angelou
You are very kind and very intelligent and those elements are not always found together.
- Maya Angelou
The unsaid words pushed roughly against the thoughts that we had no craft to verbalize, and crowded the room to uneasiness.
- Maya Angelou
You cannot be consistently fair or just or kind or generous or loving without courage. It is time for you to decide privately, secretly, in your own place inside yourselves, what you will do. You have to come to peace with a peaceful heart.
- Maya Angelou
Their remarks and responses were like a Ping-Pong game with each volley clearing the net and flying back to the opposition. The sense of what they were saying became lost, and only the exercise remained. The exchange was conducted with the certainty of a measured hoedown and had the jerkiness of Monday's wash snapping in the wind—now cracking east, then west, with only the intent to whip the dampness out of the cloth.
- Maya Angelou
Graduation, the hush-hush magic time of frills and gifts and congratulations and diplomas, was finished for me before my name was called. The accomplishment was nothing. The meticulous maps, drawn in three colors of ink, learning and spelling decasyllabic words, memorizing the whole of The Rape of Lucrece—it was for nothing. Donleavy had exposed us.
- Maya Angelou