Quotes from Maya Angelou
I always felt, in any town, if I can get to a library, I'll be OK.
- Maya Angelou
Turning off or tuning out people was my highly developed art. The custom of letting obedient children be seen but not heard was so agreeable to me that I went one step further: Obedient children should not see or hear if they chose not to do so. I laid a handful of attention on my face and tuned up the sounds in the church.
- Maya Angelou
It was a large heart with lots of hearts growing smaller inside, and piercing from the outside rim to the smallest heart was an arrow.
- Maya Angelou
Teachers of my early youth Taught forgiveness stressed the truth Here then is my Christian lack: If I'm struck then I'll strike back.
- Maya Angelou
I believe that there lives a burning desire in the most sequestered private heart of every American, a desire to belong to a great country. I believe that every citizen wants to stand on the world stage and represent a noble country where the mighty do not always crush the weak and the dream of a democracy is not the sole possession of the strong.
- Maya Angelou
I'm convinced of this: Good done anywhere is good done everywhere. For a change, start by speaking to people rather than walking by them like they're stones that don't matter. As long as you're breathing, it's never too late to do some good.
- Maya Angelou
For years, I had known that there is nothing idle about curiosity, despite the fact that the two words are often used in tandem. Curiosity fidgets, is hard to satisfy, looks for answers even before forming questions.
- Maya Angelou
Since life is our most precious gift And since it is given to us to live but once, Let us so live that we will not regret
- Maya Angelou
Girl, you're going to be all right. You haven't forgotten the essentials. You know about defending yourself. All you have to do now is remember … sometimes you have to defend yourself from yourself.
- Maya Angelou
I could never put my finger on her realness. She was so pretty and so quick that even when she had just awakened, her eyes full of sleep and hair tousled, I thought she looked just like the Virgin Mary. But what mother and daughter understand each other, or even have the sympathy for each other's lack of understanding? Mother
- Maya Angelou
Love heals. Heals and liberates.
- Maya Angelou
Every storm runs out of rain.
- Maya Angelou