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Quotes from Dale Carnegie

I realize now that people are not thinking about you and me or caring what is said about us. They are thinking about themselves—before breakfast, after breakfast, and right on until ten minutes past midnight. They would be a thousand times more concerned about a slight headache of their own than they would about the news of your death or mine.
- Dale Carnegie
I once asked General Eisenhower's son, John, if his father ever nourished resentments. "No," he replied, "Dad never wastes a minute thinking about people he doesn't like.
- Dale Carnegie
The only way on earth to influence other people is to talk about what they want and show them how to get it.
- Dale Carnegie
Don't complain about the snow on your neighbor's roof," said Confucius, "when your own doorstep is unclean.
- Dale Carnegie
As you and I march across the decades of time, we are going to meet a lot of unpleasant situations that are so. They cannot be otherwise. We have our choice. We can either accept them as inevitable and adjust ourselves to them, or we can ruin our lives with rebellion and maybe end up with a nervous breakdown.
- Dale Carnegie
We ride roughshod over the feelings of others, getting our own way, finding fault, issuing threats, criticising a child or an employee in front of others, without even considering the hurt to the other person's pride. Whereas a few minutes' thought, a considerate word or two, a genuine understanding of the other person's attitude, would go so far toward alleviating the sting!
- Dale Carnegie
It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
- Dale Carnegie
Think and Thank." Think of all we have to be grateful for, and thank God for all our boons and bounties.
- Dale Carnegie
Count your blessings—not your troubles!
- Dale Carnegie
Once you take the time to consider the other person's perspective, you will become sympathetic to his feel ins and ideas. You will be able to authentically and honestly say, I don't blame you for feeling as you do. If I were in your position, I would feel just as you do.
- Dale Carnegie
Wouldn't you like to have a magic phrase that would stop arguments, eliminate ill feeling, create good will, and make the other person listen attentively? Yes? All right. Here it is: "I don't blame you one iota for feeling as you do. If I were you I would undoubtedly feel just as you do.
- Dale Carnegie
I had the blues because I had no shoes, Until upon the street, I met a man who had no feet.
- Dale Carnegie