Quotes from Dale Carnegie
Keep busy. The worried person must lose himself in action, lest he wither in despair.
- Dale Carnegie
Let's not allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. Remember "Life is too short to be little.
- Dale Carnegie
If a man's heart is rankling with discord and ill feeling toward you, you can't win him to your way of thinking with all the logic in Christendom. Scolding parents and domineering bosses and husbands and nagging wives ought to realize that people don't want to change their minds. They can't be forced or driven to agree with you or me. But they may possibly be led to, if we are gentle and friendly, ever so gentle and ever so friendly.
- Dale Carnegie
Remember what Lincoln said: 'A drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall.
- Dale Carnegie
It is an interesting paradox that the more you surrender the credit for something you've done, the more memorable you become, and the more you actually end up receiving credit.
- Dale Carnegie
There's magic, positive magic, in such phrases as: I may be wrong. I frequently am. Let's examine the facts.
- Dale Carnegie
PRINCIPLE 8 Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view. PRINCIPLE 9 Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires. PRINCIPLE 10 Appeal to the nobler motives. PRINCIPLE 11 Dramatize your ideas. PRINCIPLE 12 Throw down a challenge.
- Dale Carnegie
We nourish the bodies of our children and friends and employees, but how seldom do we nourish their self-esteem? We provide them with roast beef and potatoes to build energy, but we neglect to give them kind words of appreciation that would sing in their memories for years like the music of the morning stars.
- Dale Carnegie
Say 'Hello' in tones that bespeak how pleased you are to have the person call.
- Dale Carnegie
PRINCIPLE 1 Don't criticize, condemn or complain. PRINCIPLE 2 Give honest and sincere appreciation. PRINCIPLE 3 Arouse in the other person an eager want.
- Dale Carnegie
There is nothing either good or bad," said Shakespeare, "but thinking makes it so.
- Dale Carnegie
What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world—and loses his health?
- Dale Carnegie