Quotes from Dale Carnegie
Each nation feels superior to other nations. That breeds patriotism - and wars.
- Dale Carnegie
People are not interested in you. They are not interested in me. They are interested in themselves - morning, noon and after dinner.
- Dale Carnegie
STOP AND LOOK out the window and see how beautiful the world is. It is there-enjoy it. Go out tonight and look up at the stars. They are the wonders of nature
- Dale Carnegie
If half a century of living has taught me anything at all, it has taught me that nothing can bring you peace but yourself.
- Dale Carnegie
If we think happy thoughts, we will be happy. If we think miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.
- Dale Carnegie
Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy.
- Dale Carnegie
When we hate our enemies, we are giving them power over us: power over our sleep, our appetites, our blood pressure, our health, and our happiness.
- Dale Carnegie
If you argue and rankle and contradict, you may achieve a victory sometimes; but it will be an empty victory because you will never get your opponent's good will.
- Dale Carnegie
If you want to keep happiness, you have to share it!
- Dale Carnegie
Let's fight for our happiness by following a daily program of cheerful and constructive thinking.
- Dale Carnegie
If we want to find happiness, let's stop thinking about gratitude or ingratitude and give for the inner joy of giving.
- Dale Carnegie
My popularity, my happiness and sense of worth depend to no small extent upon my skill in dealing with people.
- Dale Carnegie