Quotes from Jane Goodall
By destroying habitats we force animals into closer contact with people, thus creating situations for pathogens to form new human diseases... animals are hunted, killed, and eaten. They or their body parts are trafficked--along with their pathogens--around the world.
- Jane Goodall
Help people realize that their actions, however small they may seem, will truly make a difference. The cumulative effect of thousands of ethical actions can help to save and improve our world for future generations. And why would you bother to take action if you did not truly hope that it would make a difference?
- Jane Goodall
What exactly do you mean by the human intellect?
- Jane Goodall
We must remember that we have not inherited this planet from our parents, we have borrowed it from our children. But we have not been borrowing their future, we have stolen it and we keep stealing it.
- Jane Goodall
Chimpanzees and the other great apes can learn four hundred or more words of American Sign
- Jane Goodall
We developed this ability to communicate with words.
- Jane Goodall
But it's the way we have used the intellect that has made the mess, not the intellect per se.
- Jane Goodall
He had said that forgiveness is how we unchain ourselves from the past. We
- Jane Goodall
It was from a species long thought to be extinct—a species known only from the fossil record, a species that turned out to have survived for two hundred million years. Those trees, who came to be known as Wollemi pines, had been in that canyon, getting on with their lives, through seventeen Ice Ages!
- Jane Goodall
I think humanity at least has a shared understanding of what justice means.
- Jane Goodall
There are over seven billion of us today.
- Jane Goodall
Today it is known as Haller Park and is visited by people from around the world, and it serves as a model for other restoration projects.
- Jane Goodall