Quotes from Peter Scazzero
God has shaped and crafted us internally—with a unique personality, thoughts, dreams, temperament, feelings, talents, gifts, and desires. He has planted "true seeds of self" inside of us. They make up the authentic "us." We are also deeply loved. We are a treasure.
- Peter Scazzero
We are to appreciate nature, people, and all God's gifts, along with his presence in creation—without being ensnared by them. It has rightly been said that those who are the most detached on the journey are best able to taste the purest joy in the beauty of created things.
- Peter Scazzero
Jesus listened without reacting. He communicated without antagonizing. Yet he deeply disappointed the crowds. They wanted an earthly Messiah who would feed them, fix all their problems, overthrow the Roman oppressors, work miracles, and give inspiring sermons. Somehow Christ was able to serve and love them, again, without holding it against them.
- Peter Scazzero
God has made each of us unique and different.
- Peter Scazzero
Love in practice is a harsh and dreadful thing compared to love in dreams.
- Peter Scazzero
Living and swimming in the river of God's deep love for us in Christ is at the very heart of true spirituality. Soaking in this love enables us to surrender to God's will, especially when it seems so contrary to what we can see, feel, or figure out ourselves. This experiential knowing of God's love and acceptance provides the only sure foundation for loving and accepting our true selves. Only the love of God in Christ is capable of bearing the weight of our true identity.
- Peter Scazzero
What are you angry about (a betrayal, a coworker's hurtful comment, a car breakdown, unanswered prayer, etc.)? What are you sad about (a small or big loss, disappointment, or a choice you or others have made)? What are you anxious about (your finances, future, family, health, church)? What are you glad about (your family, an opportunity, your church)?
- Peter Scazzero
The long painful history of the Church is the history of people ever and again tempted to choose power over love, control over the cross, being a leader over being led.
- Peter Scazzero
God speaks to us in and through the Word.
- Peter Scazzero
When God called Israel out of Egypt, he affirmed they were sacred human beings made in his image. He then showed them how to live according to their God-given nature. In effect, God said, "It may feel awkward at first, but as a fish is created to live in water, I created you to live according to this design.
- Peter Scazzero
Part of growing into an emotionally mature Christian is learning how to apply practically and effectively the truths we believe.
- Peter Scazzero
How can I be angry and not sin?
- Peter Scazzero