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Quotes from Peter Scazzero

Your being with God (or lack of being with God) will trump, eventually, your doing for God every time. We cannot give what we do not possess. We cannot help but give what we do possess.
- Peter Scazzero
Our most natural prayer is "My Father in heaven, hallowed be my name, may my kingdom come, may my will be done on earth." We're afraid of God's will being done because we can't control what he will do, when he will do it, how he will do it, and what the outcome might be.
- Peter Scazzero
Prayer Lord, I have spent much of my life running from pain and loss, medicating my pain and quickly moving on to the next project——the new urgent demand. I ask for the grace to embrace all of life—the joys and the sorrows, the deaths and the births, the old and the new. In Jesus' name, amen.
- Peter Scazzero
Not only does God not reject or punish us for being honest and transparent about our whole selves, but he actually accepts and loves us where we are. We are anchored in God's love as he gives us permission to express ourselves—the bad along with the good—and take care of ourselves in an appropriate way.
- Peter Scazzero
God may be screaming at us through our physical body while we look for (and prefer) a more "spiritual" signal. The reality is that often our bodies know our feelings before our minds.
- Peter Scazzero
True spirituality frees us to live joyfully in the present. It requires, however, going back in order to go forward. This takes us to the very heart of spirituality and discipleship in the family of God—breaking free from the destructive sinful patterns of our pasts to live the life of love God intends.
- Peter Scazzero
Is it any wonder that most people live off other people's spirituality rather than taking the time to develop their own direct experience of God? Most Christians talk about prayer but don't pray. Most believe the Bible as the Word of God but have little idea what it says. Our goals for our children differ little from those of "pagans" who do not known God. Like the world, we, too, grade people based on their education, wealth, beauty, and popularity.
- Peter Scazzero
This voice told him the goal of ministry was to recognize the Lord's voice, his face, and his touch in every person he met.
- Peter Scazzero
You are lovable. You are good. It is so good that you exist.
- Peter Scazzero
We are also deeply loved. We are a treasure.
- Peter Scazzero
You Can't Do God's Work Your Way without Paying a Steep Price
- Peter Scazzero
The problem was that I wasn't truly free. Freedom comes when we no longer need to be somebody special in other people's eyes. We are to be content to be popular with him alone.
- Peter Scazzero