Quotes from Peter Scazzero
Ignoring our emotions is turning our back on reality.
- Peter Scazzero
Emotions are the language of the soul.
- Peter Scazzero
Jesus shows us that healthy Christians do not avoid conflict. His life was filled with it! He was in regular conflict with the religious leaders, the crowds, the disciples—even his own family. Out of a desire to bring true peace, Jesus disrupted the false peace all around him. He refused to "spiritualize away" conflict. 8.
- Peter Scazzero
way. Part of the sanctification process of the Holy Spirit is to strip away the false constructs we have accumulated and enable our true selves to emerge.
- Peter Scazzero
What kinds of activities bring me joy and delight? What truly replenishes me?
- Peter Scazzero
Simplicity The primary issue here is to remove distractions and remain free from attachments.
- Peter Scazzero
Play and Recreation The key here is to engage in activities that are pure and healthy and that breathe life into you.
- Peter Scazzero
Sabbath provides for us now an additional rhythm for an entire reorientation of our lives around the living God. On Sabbaths we imitate God by stopping our work and resting.
- Peter Scazzero
twenty-four hours) to rest and delight in God.
- Peter Scazzero
The Sabbath calls us to build the doing of nothing into our schedules each week.
- Peter Scazzero
Observing the Sabbath, we affirm: "God is the center and source of our lives. He is the beginning, the middle, and the end of our existence." We trust God to provide and care for us.
- Peter Scazzero
The Four Principles of Biblical Sabbath
- Peter Scazzero