Quotes from Seth Godin
Those who fear risk also begin to fear movement of any kind.
- Seth Godin
Bloggers around the world are discovering that it's cheaper and faster and more effective to build their own media channels than it is to waste time arguing with the old ones.
- Seth Godin
The act of trying to guarantee the success of an innovation is almost certain to make it less likely that it will succeed.
- Seth Godin
Have you ever heard of Gmail? Ever used it? If so, it's not because Gmail ran a lot of TV ads (they didn't). It's because the manifesto of free email got to you.
- Seth Godin
The second reason there are such tremendous benefits to being number one is a little more subtle. Being at the top matters because there's room at the top for only a few.
- Seth Godin
Here's another way to describe the two axes: One asks, Can you see it? The other wonders, Do you care?
- Seth Godin
These are all commodity-focused issues. The old conceit of a retailer was that if you offered the right products at a fair price in a convenient location, you'd do fine if you watched your expenses. Today, the issues are totally different.
- Seth Godin
Winners understand that taking that pain now prevents a lot more pain later.
- Seth Godin
As Susan Kare, designer of the original Mac interface, said, "You can't really decide to paint a masterpiece. You just have to think hard, work hard, and try to make a painting that you care about. Then, if you're lucky, your work will find an audience for whom it's meaningful.
- Seth Godin
When you learn to listen to your fear, you've found a compass that can show you what matters.
- Seth Godin
if we canceled the shuttle, we'd create an urgent need for a replacement. The lack of a way to get to space would force us to invent a new, better, cheaper alternative.
- Seth Godin
Sooner or later, each of us becomes (for a while) the kind of person who believes in the reptile people that control the earth. We're seeking our own little pocket of uniqueness.
- Seth Godin