Quotes from Seth Godin
Bullet points are not the point.
- Seth Godin
You weren't born to be a cog in the giant industrial machine. You were trained to become a cog. There's an alternative available to you.
- Seth Godin
Tiffany's blue box is a slogan without words. It stands for elegance and packaging and quality and "price is no object.
- Seth Godin
The essential thing to know about the Dip is that it's there. Knowing that you're facing a Dip is the first step in getting through it.
- Seth Godin
You can't really decide to paint a masterpiece. You just have to think hard, work hard, and try to make a painting that you care about. Then, if you're lucky, your work will find an audience for whom it's meaningful.
- Seth Godin
If you seek to become indispensable, a similar question is worth asking: "Where do you put the fear?" What separates a linchpin from an ordinary person is the answer to this question.
- Seth Godin
I can do this forever. It's like adjusting a pair
- Seth Godin
Most of our lives in public are spent papering over, rationalizing, and otherwise denying our fear. We go to war because we're afraid, and we often go to spiritual events for the very same reason.
- Seth Godin
Tennis has a Dip. The difference between a mediocre club player and a regional champion isn't inborn talent—it's the ability to push through the moments where it's just easier to quit. Politics has a Dip as well—it's way more fun to win an election than to lose one, and the entire process is built around many people starting while most people quit.
- Seth Godin
We don't need more noise, more variety, or more pitches. There's noise all around us, but it's often the idle chatter of people hiding in plain sight, or the selfish hustle of one more person who wants something from you. Our world is long on noise and short on meaningful connections and positive leadership.
- Seth Godin
If you're able to look at what's happening in your world and say, "There's the pattern," or "Wow, that's interesting, I wonder why," then you're far more likely to respond productively than if your reaction is "How dare he!
- Seth Godin
Emotional labor is the task of doing important work, even when it isn't easy. Emotional
- Seth Godin