Quotes from Seth Godin
You do people a service when you make better things and make it easy to talk about them. The best reason someone talks about you is because they're actually talking about themselves: "Look at how good my taste is." Or perhaps, "Look at how good I am at spotting important ideas.
- Seth Godin
Response is always better than reaction.
- Seth Godin
Pick me, pick me" acknowledges the power of the system and passes responsibility to someone else to initiate. Even better, "pick me, pick me" moves the blame from you to them. If you don't get picked, it's their fault, not yours. If you do get picked, well, they said you were good, right? Not your fault anymore. Reject the tyranny of picked. Pick yourself.
- Seth Godin
We seek out experiences and products that deliver more value, more connection, and more experience, and change us for the better.
- Seth Godin
Faced with an infinite number of choices, many people pick the market leader.
- Seth Godin
How can I create something that critics will criticize?
- Seth Godin
If you're going to quit, quit before you start. Reject the system. Don't play the game if you realize you can't be the best in the world. Average
- Seth Godin
The factory is a dead end and so is compliance. More obedience will not make us better. That's why graceful is in such demand.
- Seth Godin
Strategic quitting is the secret of successful organizations. Reactive quitting and serial quitting are the bane of those that strive (and fail) to get what they want. And most people do just that. They quit when it's painful and stick when they can't be bothered to quit.
- Seth Godin
The lesson is that one person with a persistent vision can make change happen, whether climbing rocks or delivering services.
- Seth Godin
Are you one of those people? One of the people with too many good ideas? The folks who have notebooks filled with notions, or daydreams filled with the future? You've certainly met these people. They're too busy taking notes to get anything done, too busy inventing to actually instigate. To stop this process, one needs to do only two things: Start. And then . . . Ship. Can't
- Seth Godin
Eye contact, all by itself, is enough to throw your lizard brain into a tizzy. Imagine how scary it must be to set out to do something that will get you noticed, or perhaps even criticized.
- Seth Godin