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Quotes from Hugh Ross

God has designed every component of his creation to display some aspect of his care, and each holds a unique fascination for the human observer. Thus, we can easily engage both young and older minds with some newly discovered feature or fact of nature. If we can make a connection between that discovery and one of God's attributes or a component of God's plan to redeem humanity, we will have provided a stronger motivation for people to seriously investigate the book of Scripture.
- Hugh Ross
The book of Job highlights the theme that God has marvelously designed the universe, the earth, and all its life in such a way as to harmonize ethics and economics. When we humans face a crisis or dilemma that appears to force a choice between ethics and economics, we can be sure God has provided a solution that compromises neither.
- Hugh Ross
The uniqueness of God's Word sets our faith apart from all others. No other book reveals both the world around us and the world within us with complete and demonstrable accuracy and consistency. Testable accuracy and consistency. Increasing accuracy and consistency. So, that's where my apologia begins. It ends, of course, with the person who rightfully claimed, 'I am the way—and the truth and the life' (John 14:6).
- Hugh Ross
I anticipate that our readiness to engage ensures our opportunities to participate in the mission, to complete the work God has prepared in advance for us to do (Ephesians 2:10).
- Hugh Ross
Some Christians feel embarrassed to admit doubts because they've been told that if they just had enough faith, they'd harbor no doubts. They worry that people might find out about their doubts and, consequently, think less of them as Jesus's followers. If we meet someone who struggles in this way, let's be ready to remind them that since God knows our doubts already, we have nothing to lose and everything to gain by admitting them and asking for help.
- Hugh Ross
Proof of the beginning of time probably ranks as the most theologically significant theorem. This great significance arises from the theorem establishing that the universe must be caused by some Entity capable of creating the universe entirely independent of space and time. Such an entity matches the attributes of the God of the Bible but is contradicted by the gods of the eastern (and indeed all other) religions who create within space and time.
- Hugh Ross
The Bible gives a true and trustworthy account of creation, and that account in no way conflicts with or contradicts an old-Earth view, and vice versa.
- Hugh Ross
The Entity who brought the universe into existence must be a Personal Being, for only a person can design with anywhere near this degree of precision.
- Hugh Ross