Quotes from Ignatius of Antioch
Nothing is more precious than peace, by which all war, both in Heaven and Earth, is brought to an end.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Only let it be in the name of Jesus Christ, that I may suffer together with Him! I endure everything because He Himself, Who is perfect man, empowers me.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Do everything as if He were dwelling in us. Thus we shall be His temples and He will be within us as our God - as He actually is.
- Ignatius of Antioch
I am God's wheat and shall be ground by their teeth so that I may become Christ's pure bread.
- Ignatius of Antioch
I am the wheat of God, and am ground by the teeth of the wild beasts, that I may be found the pure bread of God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Let not then any one deceive you, as indeed you are not deceived, in as much as you are wholly devoted to God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Let us therefore be of a reverent spirit, and fear the long-suffering of God, that it tend not to our condemnation.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Reverence the deacons as you would the command of God.
- Ignatius of Antioch
It is not that I want merely to be called a Christian, but actually to be one. Yes, if I prove to be one, then I can have the name.
- Ignatius of Antioch
I have no taste for corruptible food nor for the pleasures of this life. I desire the Bread of God, which is the Flesh of Jesus Christ, who was of the seed of David, and for drink I desire His Blood, which is love incorruptible.
- Ignatius of Antioch
Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be, even as wheresoever Christ Jesus is, there is the catholic church.
- Ignatius of Antioch
May nothing entice me till I happily make my way to Jesus Christ! Fire, cross, struggles with wild beasts, wrenching of bones, mangling of limbs - let them come to me, provided only I make my way to Jesus Christ.
- Ignatius of Antioch