Quotes from Patrick Lencioni
I believe it's long past time that we, as individuals and as a society, reestablished the standard that leadership can never be about the leader more than the led.
- Patrick Lencioni
Team leaders must give members a reason to care at the beginning of a meeting or discussion. They must raise the anxiety of the team about why the issues about to be discussed matter, and what could go wrong if bad decisions are made. By doing so, they immediately get everyone engaged
- Patrick Lencioni
Failure to hold one another accountable creates an environment where the fifth dysfunction can thrive. Inattention to results occurs when team members put their individual needs (such as ego, career development, or recognition) or even the needs of their divisions above the collective goals of the team.
- Patrick Lencioni
Naked service providers don't enjoy being wrong; they just realize that it is an inevitability. And
- Patrick Lencioni
The fact remains that team, because they are made up of imperfect human beings, are inherently dysfuctional.
- Patrick Lencioni
Trust is just one of five behaviors that cohesive teams must establish to build a healthy organization.
- Patrick Lencioni
There was no sense of unity or camaraderie on the team, which translated into a muted level of commitment.
- Patrick Lencioni
Now imagine if I were to ask a room full of executives which they enjoy more: meetings or movies? They would probably think I was joking. And yet, meetings should be more interesting than movies because they have more inherent potential for passion and engagement than movies do.
- Patrick Lencioni
Avoiding the issues that merit debate and disagreement not only makes the meeting boring, it guarantees that the issues won't be resolved. And this is a recipe for frustration. Ironically, that frustration often manifests itself later in the form of unproductive personal conflict, or politics.
- Patrick Lencioni
Teams that commit to decisions and standards do so because they know how to embrace two separate but related concepts: buy-in and clarity. Buy-in is the achievement of honest emotional support. Clarity is the removal of assumptions and ambiguity from a situation. Commitment is about a group of intelligent, driven individuals buying in to a decision precisely when they don't naturally agree. In other words, it's the ability to defy a lack of consensus.
- Patrick Lencioni
- Patrick Lencioni
tendency of team members to seek out individual recognition and attention at the expense of results
- Patrick Lencioni