Quotes from Martin Luther
But it is an insight of faith to know and to see that good works, self-glory, and holy life do not do it, but only God's kindness.
- Martin Luther
When we try to dictate to God the time, place, and manner for him to act, we are testing him. At the same time, we're trying to see if he is really there. When we do this we are putting limits on God and trying to make him do what we want. It's nothing less than trying to deprive God of his divinity. But we must realize that God is freeānot subject to any limitations. He must dictate to us the place, manner, and time that he will act.
- Martin Luther
For it is in this way that our adversaries, the bishops and the pope, talk with us in our day, while they pretend a desire for concord, and seek to bring about doctrinal harmony.
- Martin Luther
I cannot bear with laws for the interpretation of the word of God, since the word of God, which teaches liberty in all other things, ought not to be bound. Saving these two things, there is nothing which I am not able, and most heartily willing, to do or to suffer. I hate contention; I will challenge no one; in return I wish not to be challenged; but, being challenged, I will not be dumb in the cause of Christ my Master.
- Martin Luther
If I examine myself I find enough unholiness to shock me. But when I look at Christ in me I find that I am altogether holy.
- Martin Luther
Hence one should follow the advice of the hermit to whom a youth complained that he rather often experienced imaginations concerned with lusts and other sins and to whom the old man replied: "You cannot prevent the birds from flying over your head. But let them only fly and do not let them build nests in the hair of your head. Let them be thoughts and remain such; but do not let them become conclusions."32
- Martin Luther
The psalm speaks of both, namely, that one must never under any circumstances trust either in temporal things of any kind or in one's own merits; that is to say, one must trust neither in temporal nor in spiritual goods, but through temporal and spiritual things in God alone.
- Martin Luther
and whatever good Germany has is not the result of her own power, virtue, or wisdom, but has been received from those rejected, despised, and accursed people who are called Christians
- Martin Luther
By His resurrection Christ won the victory over law, sin, flesh, world, devil, death, hell, and every evil. And this His victory He donated unto us. These many tyrants and enemies of ours may accuse and frighten us, but they dare not condemn us, for Christ, whom God the Father has raised from the dead is our righteousness and our victory.
- Martin Luther
For this is the judgment of God: "He hath cast down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.
- Martin Luther
For if "Free-will" cannot of itself will good, but wills good by grace alone, (for we are speaking of "Free-will" apart from grace and inquiring into the power which properly belongs to each) who does not see, that that good will, merit, and reward, belong to grace alone.
- Martin Luther
A good preacher should have these properties and virtues: 1. Teach systematically 2. Have a ready wit 3. Be eloquent 4. Have a good voice 5. Have a good memory 6. Know when to make an end 7. Be sure of his doctrine 8. Venture and engage body and blood, wealth and honour, in the Word 9. Suffer himself to be mocked and jeered of every one
- Martin Luther