Quotes from Martin Luther
There were some who clung to the right view of the Word and the Sacraments. These means cannot be contaminated. They remain divine regardless of men's opinion. Wherever the means of grace are found, there is the Holy Church, even though Antichrist reigns there.
- Martin Luther
We have to learn that a Christian should walk in the midst of death, in the remorse and trembling of his conscience, in the midst of the devil's teeth and of hell, and yet should keep the Word of grace, so that in such trembling we say, "Thou, O Lord, dost look on me with favor.
- Martin Luther
If we don't use the resources available to us but instead want other resources we don't have, then we're testing God. This is what Satan wanted Christ to do.
- Martin Luther
I am bound by conscience and the word of God. Therefore I can and will recant nothing, because to act against one's conscience is neither safe nor salutary. Here I stad. I can do no ether. So help me God.
- Martin Luther
for no man, without trials and temptations, can attain to the true understanding of the Holy Scriptures.
- Martin Luther
a right faith in Christ is an incomparable treasure, carrying with it universal salvation and preserving from all evil
- Martin Luther
Obviously Moses indicates by this comment that the workers of the Law would be precisely the people who do not keep the Commandments of God, for he is certain that this grace is not given to all.
- Martin Luther
No one can worthily speak or hear any Scripture, unless he is touched in conformity with it, so that he feels inwardly what he hears and says outwardly and says, "Ah, this is true!
- Martin Luther
The white devil of spiritual sin is far more dangerous than the black devil of carnal sin because the wiser, the better men are without Christ, the more they are likely to ignore and oppose the Gospel. With the words, "that he
- Martin Luther
Therefore conquering pride, restraining riotous living, crucifying the flesh, these are great beyond all the power of men.
- Martin Luther
The white devil of spiritual sin is far more dangerous than the black devil of carnal sin because the wiser, the better men are without Christ, the more they are likely to ignore and oppose the Gospel. With
- Martin Luther
Therefore we are taught here that true vengeance is carried out, not by our passion but by God's command and on account of God. We are only the instruments of the avenging God, and we arrogate nothing of the vengeance to ourselves, as you see here.
- Martin Luther