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Quotes from Martin Luther

Faith is a living, bold trust in God's grace, so certain of God's favor that it would risk death a thousand times trusting in it.
- Martin Luther
We say, faith apprehends Jesus Christ. Christian faith is not an inactive quality in the heart. If it is true faith it will surely take Christ for its object. Christ, apprehended by faith and dwelling in the heart, constitutes Christian righteousness, for which God gives eternal life.
- Martin Luther
And the human mind endures misfortunes of any kind more easily than prosperity and abundance, as the German proverb puts it: "Strong legs are needed to be able to endure good days.
- Martin Luther
If we surrender faith in Christ, as the only thing that can justify us, the death and resurrection of Jesus are without meaning; that Christ is the Savior of the world would be a myth.
- Martin Luther
The true God has never yet smiled upon a person for his charity or virtues, but only for the sake of Christ's merits.
- Martin Luther
Wherefore it ought to be the first concern of every Christian to lay aside all confidence in works and increasingly to strengthen faith alone and through faith to grow in the knowledge, not of works, but of Christ Jesus, who suffered and rose for him, as Peter teaches in the last chapter of his first Epistle (I Pet. 5:10).
- Martin Luther
First, self-love is already present in all people. Second, if God had wanted to command you to love yourself, he would have said, "You should love yourself and your neighbor as yourself." But he said instead, "Love your neighbor as yourself." In other words, "as yourself " means the way you already love yourself, without a commandment to do so.
- Martin Luther
For all our life should be baptism, and the fulfilling of the sign, or sacrament, of baptism; we have been set free from all else and wholly given over to baptism alone, that is, to death and resurrection. This glorious liberty of ours, and this understanding of baptism have been carried captive in our day
- Martin Luther
it is completely contrary to the nature of sin to confess that one has sinned.
- Martin Luther
He who prays must be like a good, industrious barber who has to keep his mind and eyes precisely upon his razor and hair and know whether to cut or trim, lest by too much gabbing or looking about aimlessly, he slashes someone's mouth or nose, or worse, someone's throat.
- Martin Luther
As I have always both offered and desired peace so that I might devote myself to quieter and more useful studies, and have stormed with such great fury merely for the purpose of overwhelming my unequal opponents by the volume and violence of words no less than of intellect, I not only gladly ceased but also joyfully and thankfully considered this suggestion a very welcome kindness to me, provided our hope could be realized.
- Martin Luther
When the Law drives you to the point of despair, let it drive you a little farther, let it drive you straight into the arms of Jesus who says: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
- Martin Luther