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Quotes from Martin Luther

Works, since they are irrational things, cannot glorify God, although they may be done to the glory of God, if faith be present.
- Martin Luther
It is indeed pitiful that a monk who does nothing else night and day except chastise his body achieves nothing by this diligence than to be cast into the flames of hell.
- Martin Luther
Therefore the man whom the prophet here calls blessed is unanimously declared by the world to be the most wretched of all, as Isaiah looked upon Christ, the Head and Model of the blessed, whom he calls the lowest of all (Is. 53:3).
- Martin Luther
No, he joins the three Persons in the one work of blessing — God the Father, God the Shepherd, and the Angel.
- Martin Luther
When the article of justification is lost, nothing remains except error, hypocrisy, godlessness, and idolatry.
- Martin Luther
The third occurrence of the words4 fits our own and the last times, where the lukewarm, the presumptuous, and those easily offended abound, whom of all people it is most difficult to move forward to better things.
- Martin Luther
O how many follow them today, people full of envy and the gall of vengefulness who fashion I do not know what kind of idol of jealousy for themselves and lie about the severity of righteousness as they seek the most obstinate lie!
- Martin Luther
The saints, however, are in silence and patience and in hope (spes), not in physical activity (res), like those people, for they are saved by the name of the Lord. This does not come about except in hope and patience and silence, whereas the ungodly seek to be saved in bustle and physical activity (res), indeed by the vanity of physical activity.
- Martin Luther
The truth is, I am all sin.
- Martin Luther
Those who lapse from the Gospel to the Law are no better off than those who lapse from grace into idolatry.
- Martin Luther
Who can love Him if He wants to deal with sinners according to righteousness? Therefore remember that the righteousness of God is that by which we are justified, or the gift of the forgiveness of sins.
- Martin Luther
Faith is Individual.
- Martin Luther