Quotes from Martin Luther
The article of justification is fragile. Not in itself, of course, but in us. I know how quickly a person can forfeit the joy of the Gospel. I know in what slippery places even those stand who seem to have a good footing in the matters of faith. In the midst of the conflict when we should be consoling ourselves with the Gospel, the Law rears up and begins to rage all over our conscience. I say the Gospel is frail because we are frail.
- Martin Luther
For it is the explicit statement of Sacred Scripture that one who is outside of tribulation is outside the condition and hope of salvation.
- Martin Luther
In all evils we must confess that God is the author and say: "Since You have done it, we must be silent and dumb," lest we murmur or blaspheme against Him. And He must be implored to remove the evil. For he who does not know who brings in the evil becomes impatient in vain and attempts to banish it. It is as if a spear were hurled from an unknown place, and the one struck is angry in vain.
- Martin Luther
These words are like so many thunderclaps of protest from heaven against every kind and type of self-merit.
- Martin Luther
To be a Christian without praying is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
- Martin Luther
Iniquities forgiven and sins covered can be said to differ in this way, that iniquity is that by which a man is turned toward the creature because he prefers its love to the love of God, and that is evil; sin, however, is that by which a man is turned away from God, which is to transgress the commandment and law of God. According to Cassiodorus and blessed Jerome, iniquities
- Martin Luther
If there is only mercy and the prince lets everyone milk him and kick him in the teeth and does not punish or become angry, then not only the court but the land, too, will be filled with wicked rascals; all discipline and honor will come to an end. On the other hand, if there is only anger and punishment or too much of it, then tyranny will result, and the pious will be breathless in their daily fear and anxiety.
- Martin Luther
So the salvation of Christ is called "salvations" and "mercies" (cf. Ps. 28:8; 17:7; 25:6), because it saves many and ascribes a manifold salvation to all.
- Martin Luther
The world glories and trusts in honor, power, riches, and the favor of men. Our psalm, however, glories in none of these, for they are all uncertain and perishable.
- Martin Luther
I do not always pray, nor do I always meditate on the Law of the Lord and struggle continually with sin, death, and the devil; but I put on my clothes, I sleep, I play with the children, eat, drink, etc. If all these things are done in faith, they are approved by God's judgment as having been done rightly. This
- Martin Luther
And this is a clear demonstration that the world is the image of hell and a model and forerunner of the damned, yes, like the lodging of the devil and ungodliness, which consistently ignores the Word of God and its immeasurable benefits and does not see them and most basely despises them.
- Martin Luther
And had it not been for our prayer and word, Germany would doubtless be in a different condition; and if she had been without the word which we teach and without our prayers, conditions in Germany would be in a most wretched plight.
- Martin Luther