Quotes from Martin Luther
Just as appearances of old happened for the direction of those for whom they happened, as also the Lord appeared to the two disciples going to Emmaus, so also Scripture speaks and appears in the manner in which we are disposed.
- Martin Luther
I do not bother my head with speculations about the nature of God. I simply attach myself to the human Christ
- Martin Luther
We exalt our calling, not to gain glory among men, or money, or satisfaction, or favor, but because people need to be assured that the words we speak are the words of God. This is no sinful pride. It is holy pride.
- Martin Luther
And Dan. 8:25 also writes concerning the Antichrist that he will kill the majority of people not through poverty but through an abundance of everything.
- Martin Luther
to live in good morals means calm and peace for the conscience, however much disquiet there may be in the flesh in public.
- Martin Luther
It is the nature of God's Word and the regulation of His will first to destroy what is in us and reduce to nothing whatever we are, and then erect His own structure.
- Martin Luther
Christ doesn't want sinners who refuse to admit that they're sinners.
- Martin Luther
Augustine explains: The flesh needs many things even for this life, and this, too, it seeks from God, because not only spiritual things but also earthly things are to be sought from no one but God.
- Martin Luther
God's approval isn't based on what a person does. Rather, he accepts what a person does because he already approves of the person. The person hasn't earned God's approval through the good that he or she does. Because
- Martin Luther
So we must guard against real sins. But it's also to real sinners that the gospel reaches out.
- Martin Luther
This is exactly how those who rely on their own efforts to be justified still act today. They concentrate on the good that they do, which they hope will please God. They don't trust in God's mercy and his grace. They aren't hoping that God will forgive their sins through Christ. This
- Martin Luther
and yet neither the bishops nor canons care how the poor people live or die, for whom nevertheless Christ has died, and who are not permitted to hear Him speak with them as the true Shepherd with His sheep.
- Martin Luther