Quotes from Martin Luther
God uses lust to impel men to marry, ambition to office, avarice to earning, and fear to faith. God led me like an old blind goat.
- Martin Luther
Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
- Martin Luther
God works by contraries so that a man feels himself to be lost in the very moment when he is on the point of being saved.
- Martin Luther
A man must completely despair of himself in order to become fit to obtain the grace of Christ.
- Martin Luther
Beer is made by men, wine by God.
- Martin Luther
Let the man who would hear God speak, read Holy Scriptures.
- Martin Luther
I have no pleasure in any man who despises music. It is no invention of ours: it is a gift of God. I place it next to theology. Satan hates music: he knows how it drives the evil spirit out of us.
- Martin Luther
If men only believe enough in Christ they can commit adultery and murder a thousand times a day without periling their salvation.
- Martin Luther
I shall never be a heretic; I may err in dispute, but I do not wish to decide anything finally; on the other hand, I am not bound by the opinions of men.
- Martin Luther
If a man serves not God only, then surely he serves the devil.
- Martin Luther
I put the Scriptures above all the sayings of the fathers, angels, men and devils. Here I take my stand.
- Martin Luther
Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works.
- Martin Luther